When I read all the blogs from moms expressing how much they love their little ones, or go through pictures on fb with quotes about raising a son, or the cards on the stationery aisle with beautiful thoughts "for my son on his birthday" can't help but agree with all of that. Yes, I love you with all those thousand words and still that is not enough, that still does not quite fully explain my love for you.
When I think of how much I love you...I can't really think. My mind floats in moments, in memories, in feelings, in blessings...it gets lost in the middle of being with you either physically if you are next to me, in the memories we have together or even in those dreams that we have in common (like when we talk about going back to Mexico someday and we'll have as many tacos as we can, then we'll be heading to the beach to build sandcastles with that huge family we have back there, and that we wish so bad they were closer).
I enjoy all of our conversations about animals, countries, food, friends and God. You have such a sweet way to see all that, you care for your friends, you know about countries, you like to learn about animals, you are picky with food and you love God.
You have no idea yet, how much goodness you have brought to this world. You don't know yet, the miracle you are in many lives. You haven't realized how pure, peaceful and magic my life is from the moment I saw you for the first time.
You will see that, you will feel that and hopefully believe that one day.
This is one special world. A world that needs good, pure, big hearts just like yours. A world that is thankful that people like you are alive . A world that can be ugly, and yet is wonderful. A world that could be sad, but you make it perfectly happy just with your presence.
This is your one life before eternity. This is the chance to be that human being that will impact other lives for good. You are absolutely perfectly made. Use that perfect mind and body for the Glory of God. Be always "that good". Not the one with good grades, good clothes or good looks, that's ephemeral, be as long as you live "the good" you are now at your 6 years, the kind of good I am talking about is to be the kind, easy going, creative, loyal, empathetic, happy kid you are. Let the heart of the 6 year old that you have now be safe and alive as you grow up.
You are a dream. A thousand times better than any dream. You are one of the greatest gifts I have ever received, the pure confirmation that God exists and that He is faithful, powerful, merciful and that He definitely loves me.
As I walk the path of being a mom for you and your siblings, I hope you know this is the way I love but for you and for them I will learn to love you better every day, you always deserve a better me. This is our only life in earth. I am beyond blessed, grateful, beyond and honoured that God gifted me with you to raise you and gave me a chance to hear everyday from you such a beautiful and powerful word: "Mami"
Happy birthday to my first born 🎈🍰
Mami 💏
February 2019